Monday, March 14, 2011

When was the last time you showed Love?

People get qwueezy when you bring this word up, unless its a couple who are telling each other how much they love one another almost in any other case, people shy away from discussing the word. Why? when its what we need most. And it does conquer most things. For example. I was in line at the market and there was a lady pitching a bitch about bad service. A man in line got sick of her and started arguing with her, as well as other people now shooting mean words at her, I just helped her, and spoke to her kindly, and she calmed down, the manger came and she (now calm) calmly stated what she was pissed about and the manger helped her. Before she left she turned to me and smiled and thanked me for my kindness. It was love that shouldered that situation and made it calm. Not that I love her or loved her, but when you show kindness, you ARE showing love. I just think if we practice it more, we can slowly but with no doubt change the world.

Sayyed Muhammad

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