Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thug Bullshit

yesterday I saw a woman walking down the street she must have been in her mid twenties, very beautiful, and across the street were these 3 morons, let me rephrase, three thugged out guys  shouting for her attention, you know, " AAY!  AAY!  YO!!  AAY!!!  She didn't respond to them at all, so one of them shouted something to the effect of, YO MA, YOU HERE ME CALLIN YOU!   I am so sick of this thug moronic mentality that some of of people have, there is a huge difference between a Black man and a Nigga clearly. I'm one black man who loves my black people but I'm so tired of Niggas! Aparently REAL WOMEN are way past being sick of niggas. Why is it that a thug sees a woman as nothing more than something to stick their dicks in? We need to treat our women far better than we have, unfortunately there are so many women out here who have no respect for themselves so a Thug (the average stupid ass nigga) sees all black women all women as the same, something to fuck, and borrow money from. Chris Rock was right, we have a black president but niggas still act a damn fool. And its a shame.